Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Isaiah 43:14-15, 22-2nd Thessalonians 3:13
King James Version Utilized & Matthew Henry’s Commentary Study Aide
Simonton Genesis Ministries © May 2011

According to Dr. Webster, to quit means; (1.) to stop, cease, or discontinue: She quit what she was doing to help me paint the house. (2.) To depart from; leave (a place or person): They quit the city for the seashore every summer. (3.) To give up or resign; let go; relinquish: He quit his claim to the throne. She quit her job.
In our first text, Isaiah 43:14-15 & 22, we find that God is talking to his people through Isaiah and he tells them who he is to them as a reminder.  God here claims titles of his honor that should have been very encouraging to them. He is the Lord their Redeemer, not only WILL HE redeem them, but will take it upon himself as his office and make it his business to do so. If he IS their God, he will be all that to them which they need, and therefore, when they are in bondage, he will be their Redeemer. He is the Holy One of Israel (v. 14), and again (v. 15), their Holy One, and therefore will make good on every word he has spoken to them. He is the Creator of Israel, who made them a people out of nothing (for that is creation), actually, worse than nothing; and he is their King, that rules over them as his people and presides among them. 

Starting with verse twenty-two, God tells them they have become quitters.  They have QUIT and gotten weary of being his people and he goes on in this chapter to remind them that they cannot afford to quit because the consequences for quitting after being chosen by God can be very detrimental.  God let them know they made it more difficult than what it was and they had become weary.  They had cast off prayer: Thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob! Jacob was a man famous for prayer (Hos 12:4); his seed bore his name, but did not tread in his steps, and therefore are justly upbraided with it. God isn’t pleased when children degenerate from the virtue and devotion of their devout ancestors. To boast of the name of Jacob, and yet live without prayer, is to mock God and deceive ourselves. If Jacob does not call upon God, who will? (2.) they had grown weary of their religion: thou hast been weary of me." They had been in relation to God, employed in his service and in communion with him; but they began to snuff at it, and to say, Behold, what a weariness it has become! Note, those who neglect to call upon God do in effect tell him they are weary of him and have a mind to change their Master. (3.) They grudged the expense of their devotion, and were sarcastic and penurious in it. They were for a cheap religion; and in those acts of devotion that were costly they desired to be excused.  What sacrifices they did offer did not honor God and so they were, in effect, as no sacrifices (v. 23): Neither hast thou honored me with thy sacrifices. Some of them offered their sacrifices to false gods; others, who offered them to the true God, were either careless in the manner of offering them or hypocritical in their intentions, so it might be truly said they did not honor God with their sacrifices, but rather to dishonor him. They grew weary and quit.

Our second text in the New Testament tells us to keep on working and toiling for the Lord.  Paul exhorts those that did well not to be weary in well-doing (v. 13); as if he had said, "Go on and prosper. The Lord is with you while you are with him. See that whatever you do, that it is good and you will persevere therein. Hold on your way, and hold out to the end. You must never give over, nor tire in your work for God. It will be time enough to rest when you come to heaven, that everlasting rest which remains for the people of God."  He is actually telling them that you cannot afford to QUIT.  Keep doing well to those around you in and out of the church.  In time you will receive a great and proper reward. 

Many people in our 21st century churches today are like those whom God addressed in Isaiah.  They have grown weary of being a Christian, a servant for Christ, a representative of the cross, a man of the cloth, a woman of God, and even a member of a ministry.  They have grown weary and just quit.  There are many people who have made a good start in their Christian race and then for some reason or another (excuse), they just quit.  Others, who have stated, “I know God called me to a particular work in the local church!” allowed something to distract them, and the result was they quit.  Still others have had a tremendous ministry, who were used mightily by God, and who were under a heavy anointing of God’s Spirit, but something happened (and who knows what) and they quit. 

You have those who have experienced God working miracles and wonders within their life and have had a glowing testimony, but somehow they cast it all aside and quit.  Then there are those who were faithful to their local church, both in attendance and financial support, but they became offended or dissatisfied with someone or something and they quit.  You have saints who could pray the paint off of the walls of a church during prayer, praise, and worship service and fast with gratifying results, but they allowed something or someone to disrupt them and they quit.  Still there are those who had been a wonderful blessing and help to the local church through their ways and means, but they took their eyes off of the Lord and just quit.  I stopped by to tell you that you cannot afford to quit when God has called you to your area of responsibility and expertise.

Allow me to tell you that every time a Christian grows weary and quits on God, Satan laughs at you and God.  Every time a Sunday school teacher quits teaching, Satan laughs.  Every time a church member quits attending services, Satan laughs.  Every time a tither quits giving the tithe, Satan laughs.  Every time a church worker quits working in the various ministries in the church, Satan laughs.  Every time a prayer warrior quits praying, a bible student quits studying, a visitation worker quits visiting the sick; calling the absentees and prospective members Satan laughs.  Each time a pastor quits preaching the truth and starts watering down God’s word, Satan laughs.  You cannot afford to quit when you are called, chosen, and sent by God.  The consequences are too severe.

I mean, people have quit for various reasons (or excuses rather).  Some have quit because somebody in the position of prestige and power didn’t shake their hand.  They have quit because someone has not given them a pat on the back, or bow at their feet, or let them sing “their” song, or beg them to stay.  Some have quit because they did not receive a compliment on their new suit or dress.  Some even quit because someone did not let them “rule the roost” for a time. 

Children of God, you must understand that you have to remain humble, prayerful, watchful, careful, and diligent in well doing toward your fellow man.  You cannot get weary of doing well.  How do you get tired of doing good things for yourself and for others?  That is a million dollar question.  If you grow weary of doing well then the other alternative is to not do well.  If you are weary of being positive, then the alternative is to become a negative and nasty attitude having individual.  You should often times ask yourself what would happen in your personal life if you quit on God.  What would happen if God quit on you?  Ask yourself that question and then take your time and look at all of the blessings he has bestowed upon you down through the years both spiritual and material and you should come up with an answer. 

What if Moses had quit before Israel had passed through the Red Sea?  What if Joshua would have quit before it was time to shout down the walls of Jericho?  What if David would have quit before Goliath lay dead at his feet?  What if Nehemiah would have quit before he completed rebuilding the fallen walls of Jerusalem?   What is the Apostle Paul would have quit before he preached the Gospel to the Gentiles?  What if John would have quit when he became exiled on the Isle of Patmos?  Ask yourself these questions and figure if it is worth it for you to quit on God since you are claiming to be a believer. 

You want to know something? You do not have to worry about quitters in your ministry.  God is not short on people.  He just gives us an opportunity to serve and he tests us to verify our genuine willingness to serve.  Not for him, but for us to know that we are real in what we say and do for God.  Some have quit because somebody else quit.  Some have quit because others didn’t quit.  Some quit because they couldn’t or were not allowed to do “it” their way.  Some quit because they got “tired” of it like the people in Isaiah.  Some have quit because they could not get any help for or they were criticized out of the program that God, the pastor, and the church in general approved.  You cannot afford to quit. 

I know you have been placed in an area of responsibility and when you first came on board; you were welcomed with open arms.  You established relationships both business and personal with many whom wished you well.  You have been in and out of personal affairs with people who you thought were on your side.  You found out that they were really trying to ascertain your weaknesses to flaunt them to the rest of the wolf-pack that were jealous of your God given talents and gifts.  You know they were unstable because they quit as soon as the hill got steep, the path got rough, the load got heavy, the enemy got near, the night got really dark, the storm got bad, and the “fun in the sun” was over.  Yes they quit you because you had shown how serious you were and not looking for a one night stand but a good man or woman.  They quit because they saw you beginning to ask questions that made them uncomfortable.  Oh yes, but YOU cannot afford to quit.  They quit because they were not with GOD in the first place.  They just wanted you and you only for that brief moment in time.   

Saints, you will often look around many ministries and you will see indications that some of those members in those ministries would rather quit than stand up for Jesus Christ.  They would rather quit than fight the good fight of faith.  They would rather quit than yield to God’s perfect will for their lives.  They would rather quit than to trust in the promises of God.  They would rather quit than face persecution and opposition from the enemy.  They would rather quit that submit to spiritual discipline.  It is a sad thing because most “QUITTERS”, who call themselves children of God, fail to fully understand what it really means to quit doing what God told you to do and where he told you to do it. 

When you quit on God’s plan for your life it means you forfeit you position in Christ.  It means you lose your eternal rewards.  It means you cast aside your hope of heaven.  It means you break your commitment to God.  It means you deceive yourself with vanity.  It means you face your circumstances alone.  It means you subject your soul to torment and misery.  It means you may influence someone else to quit also.  It means someone else may get discouraged.  To quit means someone else must carry “your load” in the ministry.  It means someone else has to fill “your shoes.”  It means someone else has to fulfill “your responsibilities.”  It means someone else has to make up for “your absence.”

I stopped by to tell you not to quit because you cannot afford it if you are a saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, and fire baptized child of the King.  I want you to know that you come from royalty.  You come from an aristocratic dynasty.  The goal of the enemy is to keep you from knowing who you really are in Christ Jesus.  If you are a child of God, there is power when you speak and you need to be mindful of the words you release when ministering to anyone.  I know that life has challenged you, but the Jesus in me is speaking to the Jesus in you sitting out there.  You were born to rule and there is a KING in you.  If you are in the body of Christ Jesus, then there is a King in you.  I am aware that times may be tough, but, don’t you quit.  You cannot afford it.  You have been in the race far too long and God has brought you a mighty long ways from where you first met him at the crossroad of decision.  I realize the climb may be steep, but, don’t you quit.  The valley may be dark and full of shadows, but, don’t you quit.  For I have never heard of a shadow hurting anyone.  A shadow may spook you, but it can’t hurt you.  I understand the path may be narrow, but, don’t quit.  Your cross may get heavy at times but, don’t quit.  I know the pastor’s sermon is quite long sometimes, but don’t quit.  I understand the local church may not be perfect, but, don’t you quit.  Use your gifts and talents for the perfecting of the saints as much as possible. 

I admit it is not easy to keep working while others criticize, but don’t you quit.  I admit it isn’t easy to keep praying, when others won’t; to keep building, when others interrupt; to keep witnessing when others laugh; to keep believing, when others doubt; and to love, while others hate.  I want to inform you that quitting is not the answer you are looking for at all.  Besides, you really can’t afford to quit.  Too much has been invested in you.  If you think you are not valuable to God let me enlighten you on how God feels about you. 

God gave his son for you, you can’t quit.  The Son gave his life for you, you can’t quit.  The blood of Jesus was shed for you, you can’t afford to quit.  God’s grace is sufficient and his mercy is everlasting, you can’t afford to quit.  People are praying for you, you can’t quit.  The Lord is preparing a place for you, you can’t quit.  Jesus is coming back again for you, you cannot afford to quit.  Do you see your value to God once you step into the body of Christ?

What if Jesus would have quit when he was criticized and ridiculed; slapped and spat upon; betrayed and falsely accused; beaten and bruised; forsaken and left alone; harassed and hassled; and condemned and crucified?  Where would we be today?  Had he quit we would still be lost.  Had he quit he would have lost his son ship in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Had he quit there would be no opening of the grave changing it to a transformation station.  Had he quit Satan would be totally in charge.  Had he quit Christianity would not exist.  Had he quit the captive would still be captive.  Had he quit he would have lost is royal priesthood.  Had he quit we would not be descendants of royalty by adoption.  Had he quit there would not have been a getting up on the third day morning.  Had he quit there would not have been ascension back to the Father.  Had he quit there would not be daily intercession for you or me. 

I am glad that he didn’t quit.  I am glad he hasn’t quit.  I am glad that he won’t quit.  He won’t quit giving us brand new mercies each day.  He won’t quit interceding on our behalf each day of our lives.  He won’t quit guiding us along the narrow way.  He won’t quit healing us.  He won’t quit helping us achieve our goals as long as we give him the glory.  He just won’t quit. 

Since Jesus won’t quit, you cannot afford to quit either.  Don’t quit singing if that is your gift.  You cannot afford it.  Don’t quit playing that Christian Music, if that is your gift you can’t afford it.  Don’t quit teaching if that is your gift you cannot afford it.  Don’t stop praying if that is your gift it is a gift you cannot afford.  It is a gift you did not pay for it.  Don’t quit teaching, preaching, or reaching if anyone of these is your gift you cannot afford it.     DON’T QUIT ON GOD BECAUSE GOD HAS NOT QUIT ON YOU AND YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO QUIT WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED CHOSEN AND SENT.

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