"Ahayah, Father, in the name of Yeshua, I am laying a spiritual partition at the altar for the souls of those who are suffering from the issues and turmoils of life. The souls who enter into ministries every week and come away constantly disappointed and more broken than when they went in. Due to LACK OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE and a BLATANT IGNORING of the issues that plague the communities in this modern day era, that has caused a great chasm to form between the community and ministry.
These people are in difficult times. It doesn't matter how wealthy or how poor they may be, the times has encompassed all of them into the realm of uncertainty. Ahayah, the people are concerned with government, education, finance, and just the social well being of future generations to come, not only in this country, but in the world in which we live. The people who come seeking are fully cognizant of the STRUGGLE mentally, emotionally,and most importantly spiritually. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS have enslaved the minds of your people and those who KNOW better are quietly ostracized and they too, often give up. However Ahayah, you know this already but the appeal is on behalf of those who keep pressing onward and upward with a steadfast hope to get an answer to their situations.
The people are hurting so bad that when they think they have it all together, it falls apart. The people know that YOU GOD are in control yet as they press they do become discouraged. They get discouraged because when they get one problem solved, another comes right up. They get discouraged because when they have all of their bills paid, an unexpected expense drains the rest of their funds Regardless of how much they have given to the "ministry", the so-called ministry will NOT HELP. The people get discouraged because just when they think they're about to get their heads above water, something or someone comes along to take them back under.
People don't want to deal with many ministries because they see hypocrisy is extremely popular in ministry. They can see where appearances are often deceiving. They can see where commitments are easily broken. The people can see where friendships and fellowships are hastily severed due to malicious gossip. They can see where reputations are carelessly ruined by UNQUALIFIED TITLE HOLDERS for fear of exposure of their conniving ways to obtain said title. They can see when a person's position means more than their character. The people can see where authority and power means more than sacrificial service. They can see where money and wealth means more than personal integrity. The people can see where self-satiating programs mean more than spiritual healing and mind freeing messages.
Therefore, this sincere prayer is prayed and laid to cover those who are struggling silently with anything from sickness to financial ruin. It is prayed and laid for those who are in abusive relationships in their personal lives and even in their CHURCH. It is prayed and laid to cover those who sought counsel from ministry leadership, but heard their issues preached across the pulpit to the entire congregation. This prayer is prayed and laid to cover those WHO HAVE GIVEN THEIR LAST yet the ministry will not give them anything when there is more month at the end of the money.
I ask on behalf of the people that the HOLY GHOST will lead them into ministries and fellowships with A SINCERE FOCUS on the community issues that the ministries are sitting in. I pray that leaders would wake up and stop following what GRANDFATHER, GRANDMOTHER, AND GREAT UNCLES AND AUNTS DID during their reign in ministry.I pray for them to OPEN THEIR MINDS and break the yokes of the RELIGIOUS AND DENOMINATIONAL CHAINS that hold their minds captive with dogmas and creeds that have no SALVIVIC effect. I pray that more would open up their minds so that their PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU will grow by leaps and bounds beyond what non-changing, era saturated ministries REFUSE to recognize for fear of losing income.
Allow them to receive instructions for their lives from ministries that recognize there are issues that need to be addressed and DO ADDRESS those issues. Allow them to walk into the entrances broken and walk out healed and ready to move forward. We are all your creation GOD, so I humbly ask that you would dispatch that HOLY GHOST POWER so that we will know and, if necessary, teach the teachers to observe what real community work is all about. This is my sincere prayer for the people of God in the name of Yeshua! So mote it be!"
Seek Ahayah (God) and that GREAT SPIRITUAL CELESTIAL will dispatch the HOLY GHOST to your minds so you can press onward and upward my FRIENDS!
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